Supporting Ephphatha Reformation Ministries
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Ephphatha Reformation Ministries. Like every worthy cause, we cannot do the work that we desire to do without the financial support of those who share our sense of purpose and commitment. By contributing to Ephphatha Reformation Ministries, you can help us carry out an open, plainly spoken ministry of God’s Word, for the glory of Christ, the knowledge of the Reformed faith, and the upholding of the Heidelberg Heritage.
A gift in any amount is welcomed. Those who are financially gifted by God might consider a larger gift of $5, $15, or $25,000. Those with tighter budgets might consider a smaller gift, pledging $25, $50, or $100 per month. Otherwise, one-time gifts of any size would be truly appreciated as well.
Whether you are giving a one-time gift or pledging a monthly gift, here is the information you will need to send your contribution:
Checks payable to:
Ephphatha Reformation Ministries.
Send to:
Ephphatha Reformation Ministries
P.O. Box 5055
Terre Haute, IN 47805-5055
Please download and print the following form to complete and send along with your contribution. Your email address is especially important as a convenient and inexpensive way to keep in touch with you. (Information collected from supporters will never be shared, sold or released to a third party and will be immediately deleted from our records upon request.)
Download Financial Response FormThank you!