[The Lord willing]
Heidelberg Heritage Series
Young Heidelberg: Preparatory Catechism
A prepartory version of the Heidelberg Catechism, following the original question for question, but with wording that is easier to understand and confess meaningfully for the younger believer. Now completed and newly in print (July 2011).
Comfort in Christ: Devotions in God’s Word for the Reformed Family following the Heidelberg Catechism
A family (or personal) devotional based on God’s Word and following the lead of the Heidelberg Catechism, sometimes phrase by phrase, but at least question by question for a thorough coverage of the teachings of the Catechism. Each entry includes the text of one Question & Answer of the Catechism, a passage of Scripture to read, and a short meditation. Eventually I hope to include a suggested hymn and/or psalm of response with selection numbers corresponding to a variety of song books. Currently in production.
Click here to get a PDF sample. [Coming Soon]
At Home with the Heidelberg
Instructions and suggestions for parents wanting to be more deliberate in catechizing their children using the Young Heidelberg or the full Heidelberg Catechism. This may eventually be developed into a full home catechism curriculum. In planning stage.