by Stephen Rhoda


“Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive alms.” — Acts 3:3


Here is an example of someone who asked too little.  Not realizing that Peter and John could heal him, the lame man of Acts 3 asked only for what he assumed they had, money.  As a great blessing to him, Peter gave him healing instead, and as a result, there are at least three lessons here.


First of all, people need to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to ask God for the fullness of what He gives.  Many people run from God all their lives, and some may do so because they don’t know that He is gracious and merciful, willing to forgive their sins and count them righteous in the perfect obedience of Christ.  So feeling the conviction of sin, they run and hide from God instead of asking for the salvation He promises to give to all those who seek it.  Perhaps in a time of distress and suffering, they will turn to God to ask for His help, but they end up asking for too little, even if they ask for money or healing from a deadly disease.  Therefore, let us proclaim the Good News.  Let us tell people the fullness of what God gives in Christ!


Second, even what this man received without asking for it is not yet the fullness of what God gives.  God gives salvation in Christ, full and free, and physical healing from paralysis pales in comparison with this great gift!  So let us understand that if we are distressed only about money and poor health, we worry too little, and asking for God’s help in these matters, we ask too little.  Granted, we need the blessing of God to live on in this world, but prolonged life is not yet eternal life.  Therefore, let each of us seek the fullness of what God gives in Christ!


Third, having sought the forgiveness and righteousness of Christ, let us be confident that we have received it. As the lame man of Acts 3 received the blessing of healing, he went “walking and leaping and praising God.”-(vs. 8)  Whether literally or figuratively, ours should be the same response, even more so since we have the promise in Christ of eternal life and the riches of heaven! …by the resurrection of our bodies to an incorruptible state! …into a new and glorious creation!  True faith in Christ is marked by the confession of sin AND a joyful confidence in Christ.  Whether we are rich or poor in this life, whether healthy or near to death, if not our bodies then at least our hearts must go “walking and leaping and praising God.”


And what about you, dear reader?  Have you asked too little of God?  Or having asked for and received salvation in Christ, are you rejoicing too little in response?  “Too little” is not yet “too late.”  Ask, receive, and rejoice in Christ today!